How to reflect in the IRPF the returns obtained with Inversa

How to reflect in the IRPF the returns obtained with Inversa

As in previous years, we have prepared the following article to try to clarify in a practical way *how we interpret that the returns obtained in Inversa should be reflected in the 2023 IRPF declaration and thus help our Investors.

At INVERSA Invoice Market, as a platform, we do not withhold any type of tax in advance, so you will not see this information reflected in your tax information.

The profits obtained are taxed as capital gains in the 2023 IRPF for the difference between the amount redeemed and the net invested amount resulting from deducting from our investment the amounts received in advance. Therefore, the gain is not realized until the investor collects the invoice. From our point of view, investing in invoices should be treated as the purchase of securities and not as loans.

For this interpretation, we are based on the fact that in the assignment of credits through which we communicate to the debtor their obligation to pay the assignee, it implies that, at the time of payment, it is made by a third party (the debtor) and not by the assignor, which entails its treatment as a capital gain.

Instructions for the 2023 exercise to declare the capital gains obtained from investments made in Inversa through the AEAT - RENTA WEB Platform:

First, we go to page 15(II)/page 16(I) of the 100 model, as shown in RENTA WEB – “F2. Gains and losses from the transfer of assets (to be included in the taxable base of savings) (continued)” specifically in the section "Gains and losses from the transfer of other assets".

Once here, we click on box 1626 "Type of asset".

Next, we must select the fourth box "Other assets (goods or rights) not related to economic activities"

Now, we just have to enter the specific data of the operations carried out. From the investor accounts, you can download the tax information from your own profile for the entire year to be declared, both in PDF and Excel formats.

For simplicity, in our tax summary, we have introduced aggregated values to avoid having to list all the operations.

In this way, we must allocate the following values:

·      Transmission date: 12/31/2023

·      Transmission value: Total amount listed as "Amount received" in our tax report

·      Acquisition date: 01/01/2023

·       Acquisition value: Total amount listed as "Invested amount" in our tax report

In this way, the amount of the net capital gains for the year must coincide exactly with what is reflected as such in our tax report.

* Note: INVERSA Invoice Market does not provide tax advice. This is an informative article and in case of doubt, potential investors are advised to consult an independent advisor.

Rolando Martínez Rodríguez
Legal advisor at Inversa Invoice Market

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