These general conditions of use together with other particular ones that we can establish and that, where appropriate, will be informed to users, regulate the access and use of the website as well as the different web pages that make it up, hereinafter The Platform or The Web, owned by Galaicus Fintech, S.L., hereinafter INVERSA. INVERSA is a commercial company domiciled at C / Estrella, nº4, 15401, Ferrol (A Coruña), with TIN (CIF) B70535414, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña, “Registro Mercantil de A Coruña(Tomo 3631, Folio 20, Hoja C-56.394, inscripción 1ª)”. INVERSA makes the use of the aforementioned Platform available to Internet users in accordance with these conditions of use.

1. Use of the Platform

1.1. The use of the Platform, even for simple navigation, attributes the condition of the user of the same and, with it, the total acceptance of the rules included in these conditions of use and of the particular conditions that are applicable. Access to the online Platform is open and free of charge. These conditions will be duly updated by INVERSA on the Website when modified, requiring the users to be responsible for consulting them each time they use the Website prior to using it. If as a user you do not agree with these terms of use, please refrain from using the Website. INVERSA reserves the right to deny access to the Platform to all users who breach the conditions of use.

1.2. INVERSA may modify at any time and without prior notice the design, configuration and functionalities of the Website, as well as it may interrupt, cancel or suspend the use of the Website without having to compensate users for it.

1.3. These conditions of use of the Website are established without prejudice to the general and particular conditions that are established for users who hire the service provided by INVERSA.

1.4. INVERSA’s activity is not subject to any prior administrative authorisation regime. The owner does not provide intermediation or hosting services. INVERSA presents the data on the Platform for informational purposes only and does not provide any financial advisory service. Investors themselves must assess and decide whether the investment meets their needs and risk profile, as they are solely responsible for the decision taken and its results. INVERSA is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data provided by users. INVERSA enables the use of the Platform as a channel to put investors and funding applicants in contact; INVERSA is not responsible for the results of the investments, the INVESTOR is the one who takes on the entire risk of the investment made.

2. User Registration

2.1. The Platform is aimed at individuals over eighteen (18) years of age and legal entities. The user acknowledges being over eighteen (18) years old and accepts that the access and use of the Website is done freely and consciously, under their sole responsibility.

2.2. Registration on the Platform is open and free of charge. The user knows that to tick option boxes on The Platform is considered an affirmative statement by which the user gives and expresses their express and unequivocal consent. The Platform provides the necessary information so that this consent is also an informed consent.

2.3. The data provided by the user must be accurate and true for the correct use of the Platform, as well as the commitment to update the data provided when necessary. The user will not use false identities. Likewise, The Platform reserves the right to verify the veracity of the data in public access sources or directly by contacting the user directly. The data provided by the user to The Platform is subject to the Data Protection Policy, in compliance with EU regulation on data protection, “Reglamento de la UE 2016/679, de 27 de abril de 2016, de protección de datos y otra normativa aplicable”.

2.4. In the registration process, the user will be allowed to register an account in their name; the user defines a password / user key that will allow access to The Platform on successive and future occasions. The user is responsible for the custody and confidentiality of the password, which is personal and non-transferable, and cannot assign its use to a third party. Access codes are a fundamental element to ensure the identity of the user, all operations carried out using the user’s codes will be considered valid and will be the responsibility of the user, and the Platform cannot be held responsible. We advise you not to write down your password in a place accessible to third parties or communicate it to anyone. If you suspect that a third party knows your passwords, change them immediately on The Platform. The Platform reserves the right to block an account if it suspects that it is being misused until the necessary security checks are carried out.

2.5. The registration process on the Platform ends by sending an email to the user confirming their registration.

3. Rights and obligations of the user

3.1. Users can browse the Website freely and without charge and are obliged to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the Law, these general conditions of use as well as particular conditions which are applicable, Data Protection Policy, good customs, public order and Website warnings or instructions. Failure to comply with the above by the user will determine that they must respond to INVERSA and to third parties harmed by any damages that may be caused to them. The user will hold INVERSA harmless from all claims, sanctions and lawsuits that third parties may file, including any public body, against INVERSA or its employees for the inadequate use of the Platform by the user.

3.2. Users are expressly prohibited from using the Website for harmful purposes or to cause damage, impair, destroy, alter or disable the hardware, software, networks, data, electronic documents or servers or other computer components of INVERSA or third parties. Users are liable for the damage caused if it occurs and must repair it against all those harmed.

3.3. The user agrees not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of the owner of the Website or third parties.

3.4. The user must not make any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement from the Website about INVERSA, its workers or people related to the entity, or about other users of the same. In the same way, the user undertakes not to disclose to third parties information that identifies or may identify other users of the Platform.

3.5. The user agrees not to use false identities, or impersonate the identity of others, including the use of third-party passwords.

3.6. The user may not use the Platform to transmit digital, audio or other content that violates intellectual, industrial or data protection rights, or in general any content on which he does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available to third parties. The user who knows of any of these facts must inform INVERSA immediately.

3.7. The user agrees not to carry out spamming, advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities of the Website. The user may not use the content or information on the Website to send advertising, send messages for sales or commercial purposes, or to collect personal data.

3.8. The user agrees not to introduce or disseminate information that is libellous, malicious, defamatory, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, discriminatory, apology for terrorism, that incites violence or any other that violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, privacy or image or honour of third parties, and in general, anything that contravenes current legislation and the conditions of use of the Platform.

3.9. The user agrees not to modify, disable or damage INVERSA’s information, programs or electronic documents. You may not falsify the origin and contents of emails or electronic messages, nor intercept them, or modify or delete them if they are addressed to third parties. Neither will they be able to send mass mailings, nor massively upload documents to The Platform, nor any other type of spam.

4. Cancellation of user account

4.1. As long as the user does not request the cancellation of their user account, it will remain active.

4.2. The user can request the cancellation of their user account by email addressed to or by mail to our registered address. The cancellation of the account cannot be carried out when there are operations in progress since the obligations contracted by the parties will remain in force until their termination, at which time the account may be cancelled by the user.

4.3. The Platform reserves the right to cancel the user account in case of improper or fraudulent use of the same or of The Platform, due to breach of the General or Particular Conditions of Use or due to falsification of the data provided, or in other justified circumstances. The user will be responsible for all the damages that the improper use of their account or the Platform may cause them, INVERSA or third parties.

5. Industrial and intellectual property

5.1. All the content of the Platform (illustrations, texts, names, brands, images, videos, graphic design, source code, logos, graphics, photographs, among others) is the property of INVERSA, its suppliers or collaborators, and any partial or total reproduction of this content is not allowed through any procedure and on any medium, which does not prevent users from being able to use them in their usual browsing of the Website according to its purpose and always according to the applicable conditions of use.

5.2. All information, content, trade names, brands, distinctive signs, files and programs offered by our service are protected by the laws on industrial and intellectual property and copyright.

5.3. INVERSA does not allow or authorise the copying, publication or distribution of any content to third parties who do not have intellectual property rights. In particular, users are prohibited from using any word, graphic or mixed trademark or any other distinctive sign of INVERSA except in cases permitted by Law or expressly authorised by INVERSA. Any use of these contents in a fraudulent manner will be considered a crime related to industrial and intellectual property sanctioned by the Spanish Penal Code, “Código Penal español”.

5.4. INVERSA will not be responsible for infringements carried out by any user of the Website that affect any other client of the same, or third parties, including those that refer to intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks, patents, confidential information and / or any other intellectual or industrial property rights.

5.5. INVERSA expressly prohibits the modification by third parties of the design of the Website through any mechanism that may damage or alter its design.

6. Rights, obligations and responsibility of INVERSA

6.1. INVERSA will adopt the necessary security measures to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the Platform. For this purpose, it will apply the measures available according to the advancement of technology to avoid viruses or other elements on the Platform that could damage it or render it unusable for the use for which it is designed, without prejudice to the fact that it cannot guarantee the absence of them, not being responsible for any damages that may arise.

6.2. INVERSA will use the latest technical means available whenever possible according to the circumstances that occurred, and as soon as it has news of errors, to correct disconnections from the Website, lack of updating of content and other circumstances that may affect The Platform . INVERSA will carry out the technical tasks that allow these errors to be corrected, re-establish the Website connection and update the affected content.

6.3. The data provided to the Platform is transmitted and circulated through third-party telecommunications networks, not controlled by INVERSA, and INVERSA is not responsible for the service provided by these third parties and for the data that circulates through said networks. INVERSA is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to the user by failures of the communications networks that interrupt or interfere with the provision of the service by The Platform. Nor will it be responsible for disconnections in the operating electronic system, browsers or users’ computers caused by reasons beyond INVERSA’s control that prevent or limit the provision of the Platform services.

6.4. INVERSA will not be responsible for delays or blockages of the Platform due to deficiencies or overloads of the Internet or other electronic systems outside INVERSA, such as those due to fortuitous failures attributable to users or third parties, or those due to force majeure or in general by any reason not attributable to INVERSA.

6.5. INVERSA cannot guarantee the proper use of the Platform users, so it is not responsible for their use of it. The user is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or for the damages that may be caused by the use of The Platform or its contents, making INVERSA, as well as its partners, suppliers, collaborators, employees and representatives, exempt from all responsibility for any claim or legal, judicial or extrajudicial action, initiated by third parties based on the use by the user of the Platform or its contents. INVERSA is only liable for damages caused by intent or gross negligence.

6.6. INVERSA may at any time, immediately and without prior notice, terminate its relationship with the user or interrupt their access to the Platform if it considers that the user is making a use that violates the general or particular conditions of use established.

6.7. INVERSA does not guarantee that the content of the Website is updated, although it will use all its efforts and means to provide updated and reliable information on The Platform. INVERSA does not take on any responsibility with respect to errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may occur in the content of the Website.

6.8. INVERSA is not responsible for nor guarantees the content of third parties published on the Website and, therefore, is not responsible for any damages that may arise from said content.

6.9. INVERSA is not responsible for the content on Web pages that the user can access through third-party links on the Website. In case of being required judicially or administratively or on its own initiative, INVERSA will eliminate the links to those third-party websites that contravene current legislation and / or infringe the rights of third parties.

6.10. INVERSA reserves the right to exercise whatever actions correspond to it to ensure the proper use of the Website and to demand the responsibilities that derive from the breach of the general and particular conditions of use of the Website by users.

7. Data Protection

In accordance with EU Regulation on data protection, “Reglamento de la UE 2016/679, de 27 de abril de 2016, de protección de datos, y otra normativa aplicable en la materia”, INVERSA makes available to users of the Platform, in its Data Protection Policy, all the information regarding the data processing carried out by it.

Likewise, INVERSA makes available to the Platform users its Cookies Policy.

8. Applicable law and conflict resolution

The applicable law in relation to these conditions of use will be Spanish Law. For any controversy that may arise in relation to the general and particular conditions of use of the Website, the courts and tribunals of the place of the registered address of INVERSA will be competent at each given time, so users expressly waive the jurisdiction that may correspond to them, without detriment to the establishment of another competent jurisdiction by legal imperative.