Inversa helps you finance your company's growth

Inversa helps you finance your company's growth

To finance your companys growth you need access to short-term liquidity and diversify your financial pool

In the collective imagination, we mistakenly associate a company's financing needs with problems in its business model or turbulence threatening its economic viability. However, companies and professionals constantly need to obtain liquidity to finance the growth of their businesses, whether it is to cover the costs of additional workloads, to make investments, or to expand into new markets.

Obtaining liquidity is therefore one of the most important aspects of any company's strategy. It is also one of the most headache-inducing.

Fortunately, nowadays, in addition to the traditional financing methods offered by banks, other financing mechanisms have been developed by various FinTech companies.

Inversa Invoice Market is an alternative financing platform that helps companies finance their invoices and, in this way, obtain liquidity to finance the growth of their businesses.

In this article, we will tell you how Inversa can help you finance your company's growth and consolidate your business's position in the market.

Growth implies a greater need for liquidity

As a famous saying goes, to make money, you need money. Many companies offer top-quality services and products and have a solid customer base, but to leap to the next level, they need to incur higher expenses and make investments. To do this, they need to be able to access financing since work done for a client is not paid until it is completed, and the return on investment is not immediate.

As we grow as individuals, we find more opportunities for self-fulfillment and more challenges. Something similar happens to companies in the real economy. When they grow, their revenues increase, but so do their operating costs. They have more capacity to expand their business model and market, but their liquidity needs are more complex.

As a result, companies often find that more traditional financing channels, such as banks, are needed to finance the growth of their business, which can jeopardize their business strategy and disrupt their financial planning.

Crowdfactoring to complement bank financing

Inversa's crowdfactoring platform aims to help companies in the real economy diversify their financial pool. Thus, in addition to continuing to obtain liquidity through traditional banking products, they have a solvent, fast, and efficient alternative, such as the possibility of financing invoices that have been issued but have yet to be collected.

Invoices have a due date of 30, 60, 90, or 180 days… During the time that elapses between when a company issues an invoice to a customer and the invoice collection, the company has already disbursed the expenses associated with the services rendered or the product sold. Still, it has yet to receive the relevant income. This money is essential for the company to market its services or products to other customers.

Crowdfactoring narrows the period between the issuance and receipt of the money from an invoice. Companies market their uncollected invoices, and thousands of investors invest in them by advancing their payment. In this way, Inversa becomes a way to finance the growth of companies that can be complemented with traditional mechanisms. And in addition, it does not consume CIRBE.

Finance your company's growth through Inversa and consolidate your business

Obtaining short-term liquidity quickly

One of the keys of the Inversa Invoice Marketplace is that it offers companies the possibility of obtaining liquidity in the short term to finance the growth of their businesses.

It can take just a few days for a company to upload an invoice to the platform and complete its financing. This agility is essential, especially when a company's liquidity needs arise in the short term.

Let's think, for example, of a company that manufactures shoes that has received a large order from a multinational that markets shoes all over the world. The business opportunity is very relevant, not only in the short term but also as a way to consolidate a business relationship that can be key. The problem is that the order must be prepared immediately, which requires an investment in materials that the current liquidity of the business needs help to afford.

Financing invoices from several of its customers through Inversa can be an ideal way to finance growth so that in a week, the company can obtain the liquidity it needs.

Due to the way they work, banks take longer to manage companies' liquidity needs. This can lead to liquidity problems in the short term and slow down the growth of a business, as in the previous example. Hence, having a particularly agile avenue for financing growth is critical for a company seeking to consolidate.

Having the resources to attract more customers

The example we used in the previous section also allows us to see how important it is to have economic, human, and material resources to grow and attract more customers.

Attracting and retaining talent, implementing ambitious commercial strategies, investing in better raw materials… All these actions help to attract new customers and build loyalty among consumers who already trust a company's services or products. And all of them involve an outlay of money. Therefore, companies need to have sufficient liquidity to meet these expenses and finance the growth of their businesses without affecting their viability in the short term. On the contrary, having resources available is essential to lay the foundations for a successful business model.

That is why Inversa offers companies the possibility of financing their invoices, obtaining economic resources, and investing them in human resources, equipment, or marketing activities to attract more clients and generate more significant income.

Finance your company's growth and win new customers

Make investments to be more competitive

In addition to having the necessary resources to build an ambitious commercial strategy, companies often need liquidity to make investments to improve their competitiveness, productivity, and profitability.

Machines, software, websites, equipment, infrastructures… The cutting-edge technological advances available to companies bring numerous benefits but also entail an acquisition cost that companies must be able to afford.

Financing a company's growth also means having the money to make essential investments to optimize the way it works, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Companies should only have to forego investments beneficial to their business model if they have avenues for financing. A diversified financial pool reduces this possibility, which hampers the competitiveness of companies and can reduce their profits.

Inversa is a strategic ally to finance your companys growth

What are the keys that make Inversa a platform to use to finance your company's growth?

  • Transparency. Companies that finance their invoices on Inversa's marketplace have at their disposal all the information about the operations: how invoices and promissory notes are financed, when they are collected, what percentage of the invoices is initially collected, how much is retained until the transaction is finalized and interest and commissions are deducted, etc.
  • Speed. As mentioned above, Inversa is characterized by its speed. From the moment a company uploads an invoice or promissory note to the platform, the company takes no more than 48 hours to carry out a feasibility study to obtain the company's rating and assign the relevant interest to the invoice, i.e., the profitability that investors will get for financing the invoice.
  • Absence of collateral. No collateral or guarantee is required to finance invoices in Inversa's marketplace.
  • It is no necessary to contract any other product to obtain the liquidity needed to finance the growth of a business.
  • Financing simulation. Before uploading an invoice to the platform, companies can use Inversa's financing simulator to find out how much money they can obtain through this channel.

Financing a company's growth is a matter of enormous importance for the future of a business. Therefore, companies need to have several ways to obtain liquidity. Inversa offers an agile financing mechanism that serves to advance the money that will be received through customer invoices and, thus, to be able to make investments, optimize the commercial strategy, or face new customer orders.

Atilano Martínez Rodríguez
Promoter, Founding Partner & CFO of Inversa Invoice Market

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